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Designed to improve your career and level up your day to day skills, Covering latest technologies and tools to keep you always up to date. Visitors Love how concise and on the spot the courses and lessons are!


And it's harder to finish the lesson. That's why with this type of video lessons you end up understanding the technology you are interested in, and start using the knowledge gathered as soon as possible in your own projects or just to improve your career.


Sure, you can start reading documentation and try on your own various tools, technologies, libraries or frameworks...and then spend your day trying to get them starting. With these online concise screencasts, provided by software professionals you just sit back and enjoy the short lessons.


They come with tips and tricks to make your life easier and make the most of the category you are interested in.

Questions & Answers

Is there a minimum contract term?

You will be billed automatically for the next month or next year, based on the billing cycle that you've signed up for, monthly or yearly. Our paid plans are billed month to month, or year to year. You can upgrade, cancel, and upgrade again later if you want.

When am I billed?

If you are on the month to month paid plan, we will bill each month on your sign up or upgrade day to the paid plan.If you are on the yearly paid plan, we will bill each year on your sign up or upgrade day to the yearly paid plan.

What happens when you cancel the paid plan subscription?

When you downgrade to Free plan or cancel the paid plan subscription, your account will not have access to paid features for the remaining of the paid period, and you won’t be charged any more.

Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds since we deliver the entire content once you subscribe to the yearly or monthly plan. If you experience issues with our platform that make it unusable for you, let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

How do I contact you?

Send us an email at coursinator[at]gmail.com or by clicking the Support button, from the bottom right side of every page.