3 minutes read

Creating automated tests for your website, web application or mobile application was never an easy task.

Have a look how to get started with Cypress in less than 30 minutes.

Most of the companies started using Selenium WebDriver for test automation, which was a game changer 5-7 years ago when it first started getting traction, but it came with few challenges like:

  • selectors flakiness
  • missing retry mechanism
  • multi-tab browser testing
  • limited reports and report integration
  • lacking mobile testing

The new testing frameworks are trying to improve one or more of the above issues, while offering a more integrated testing frameworks.

Today, we are focusing on Cypress.io and TestCafe.

More details on how to create your testing framework with TestCafe is available in our course: Build an End to End Software Testing Framework with TestCafe Course

TestCafe Course



  • Chrome, Firefox or Safari browser needs to be installed on the machine where you run the tests

How to install TestCafe

npm install testcafe –save-dev

How it works

TestCafe works by serving the test site via a proxy server, the server injects scripts into the page which can inspect and control elements onto the page.

It works in any web browser or mobile devices and cloud services like BrowserStack and SauceLabs.

TestCafe runs the test code in Node which enables the possibility to call out to parts of your Node server application directly from the tests.

TestCafe uses standard CSS selectors to locate elements.

TestCafe has framework specific extensions for React, Angular or Vue and allows the use of component names as selectors.

TestCafe has nice console output for test failures (similar to Jest) that shows which assertion failed and mitigates the potential issues of having many assertions in a single test.

TestCafe groups tests as a fixture.
